Sunday, May 31, 2009

Feeling Fine

I have not been religiously logging in my food adventures this past week. Anyway, I have managed to control my intake of the deadly carbs -- rice, cakes, and whatnots -- and still trying to avoid them at all cause. Also, so far I've been able to exercise thrice a week with my 30 mins cardio at the cross trainer, weights, and abdominals. I know I should be doing this everyday if possible.

So, the other day I checked my weight and proudly sitting at 101 lbs! For someone who was 105-106 lbs a week ago, this was a feat! I think I'd be really anorexic if I have a bathroom scale. My waistline has moved to 27 and on a beautiful morning (without any food yet) it's 26! YAY!!! I think I will just manage to suck it in and pretend it's somewhat flatter and leaner.

Oh, but really I am hoping my triglycerides have gone lower too... because that's the number that really matters for me now.


Shutterfairy June 1, 2009 at 2:09 AM  

the trigly will follow..

Way to go T.. your every other day exercise is okay na.. for a start.

Mommy Blogs June 4, 2009 at 11:30 PM  

oh i hope so too mai...

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