Thursday, July 29, 2010

How Am I Doing?

Well, the waistline still sits on that dreadful 30-31 mark! I still don't know the results of my blood work from last week. And I don't have a weighing scale, maybe I should get one. Well anyway, so far I have been doing mini cardio daily but skipped the abdominals because I am still in pain around my wound area perhaps because I am PMSing.

I still eat rice, bread, nutella, darn! But I enjoy my greens once in awhile. I need to overcome my laziness as to preparing my salads with my meals. I also keep forgetting my fish oil supplement, brrr! Water has been my friend and so is coke zero just to satisfy that sweet craving (I also have a sugar free, light ice cream hehehe!)

Today, I hope to increase duration of my cardio exercises and start yoga (if I may).

Saturday, July 24, 2010


:pre-baby @ 94 lbs:

:: almost 4 yrs post partum @ 100 lbs ::

:: 3 mos postpartum w/2nd baby @ 113 lbs::

Today, I had my routine annual check with my primary care physician. I got the heads up to continue my exercise regimen. Yey! These things I feel around my wound should go away in a matter of months, some scarring and nerve endings healing, etc. Hopefully I will be able to do this more religiously without the qualms of ripping my belly open (oh God forbid!).

So back to square one, baby steps...

  • continue my fish oil supplement
  • eat well, lots of veggies and fruits
  • minimize sweets, avoid if at all possible (you think?!)
  • 10-15 mins cardio, i.e. walking daily increasing duration each day
  • 15-30 reps abdominals daily, increasing reps gradually
  • pilates thrice a week
  • water, water, water
I give myself three months to lose maybe three to four inches, and perhaps a good ten pound shed. I now sit at 113lbs (with a waistline at 30-31!), 13 lbs more than my pre (second) pregnancy weight, almost 20 lbs more than my pre mommy weight.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Truth

I still can't make myself go through a serious heart pumping regimen. What gives? My belly, the tender and sore part marked by the emergency c-section four months ago. This has been bothering me since I started going to the gym a month ago. Tonight, I am most anxious. Scared that something is wrong. Argh! I can't go through being under the knife again. The thought kills me, enough!

So, I'll manage what I eat and just be active around the house. Maybe my little king Miro will shrink me to fab-ness... he's becoming to be a handful now. I can't make him jump on my belly, it will hurt me bad! I use him for strength training, hopefully it will tone my forsaken arms. The baby blab belly will have to stay there for the meantime.

The sad part is I can't wear the little black dress for the christening. Maybe Christmas? Bwehehehe!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Feeding Myself

It's always a challenge to plan and prepare what you need to eat daily, even more challenging when you intend to eat 'healthy'. Ah, for the past week I tried punishing myself for over eating. Hoping to get my belly into shape. Restraining it from wanting to eat more (it has become a bottomless pit lately), and choosing the healthier option. But somehow it made me want to crave for cake and ice cream and whatnots. Skipping rice must have done that to me...

So now, I will feed myself! I guess I'm happier that way... way better! I love this multigrain loaf I bought from an organic grocery in the neighborhood. Supposedly a good source of fiber and keeps me full. I also tried greek yoghurt, a bit creamier than what I'm used to, I will not buy it again.

Here are some in my pantry:

  • fat free yoghurt
  • feta cheese
  • grapes, apples, pears, bananas
  • raisins
  • oatmeal
  • multi grain bread
  • spinach, spring mix
  • poppy seed dressing
  • turkey bacon
  • ground pork
  • chuck round sirloin
  • salmon
  • skinless, boneless chicken thighs
  • whole chicken (can't wait to try making "the ragen")
  • apple juice
  • cranberry pomegranate juice
  • nutella!
  • cereals
Exercise routine ho-hum, my lower abdomen around the stitch has been sore the past few days. When I was at the elliptical yesterday, it even hurts when I sneezed. Have to take things lightly until I see my doctor next Friday. I do hope holding little Miro around, lifting him up and down, bouncing/squatting while carrying him, and many more count as cardio. (Makes me wonder how come other people lose weight when they don't get enough sleep? I hope that applies to me...)

Today, I hope I would be able to do some cardio. Yesterday, it was cut short because the king woke up. It was like in the middle of a warm up... well everyday is a struggle. Good luck to me!

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Fourth of July

So today, was the feast day of America's independence. I started the day with a full brunch of rice (oh yes, couldn't help it!), corned beef, and egg downed with coffee and apple juice. Snacks was an afternoon full of juicy candies (those little gummy fruity candies!) with my little boy. Dinner was a quite healthy one with chicken (skinless thigh) bbq, salad w/poppy seed dressing (a very yummy discovery), watermelon, diet coke, and sugar free chocolate ice cream!

It somehow helped that the hosts of the party we went to are on South Beach diet! I am full but I don't feel like I am about to burst... hopefully I'd get to doing the cardio SOON!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Light and Free

It hasn't been a totally sugar-free week, but I have successfully ignored the rice no matter how tempting it maybe. I tried to punish myself by just having yoghurt for breakfast and hard boiled egg for lunch, I nearly puked. I had to wash it with some leftover spaghetti bolognese. The hard boiled eggs, I mashed with mayo (not even fat free) and slathered it onto a hotdog sandwich the next day. Unfortunately, my stomach couldn't handle it any longer I had to throw the rest away.

This week has been full of water, fruits, whole grain, dairy, and positive thinking. No major trip to the gym yet as I have been feeling bum-lazy, I still survive a three to four hour sleep. After writing this, I hope to do a mean cardio.

Maybe, I should try to revive my food diary:

Omelet (fat free milk, parmesan, and slithers of meatballs)
Hot Choco

Spinach w/Red Bell Pepper Salad in vinaigrette (lemon juice, olive oil, splenda, garlic powder, black pepper, salt)
Sweet Corn
Apple Juice

I plan to make pot roast for later that should go well with salad.

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