Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The Rut

More than a year ago, I promised myself to get back into shape and get my 'numbers' right in order to be healthy. I needed to lower down my triglycerides and my trim my waistline. I was on fish oil, niacin (which I had to forego due to killer migraines), south beach diet, and exercise.

The picture above shows quite a belly, still out of shape but with a little waist nonetheless. My pospartum tummy looks a lot like this but with faint line along the belly button and a wound across underneath. The binder/waist trimmer that I have been using has lost its magic. Or perhaps I have plateaued already...

Now, I am in the same rut I used to be when I had my first baby. Rapid weight and waist loss after a month and then nothing happens pretty much afterwards anymore! My waist sits on 30, darn! Last week it was at 29 already (perhaps due to my fever)! I am too ambitious to lose five more inches in the next couple of months, but who knows? NGE!

Right now, my milk supply is not that great compared to the day before I got a really high fever. I feel a bit sad and guilty because my little baby is fed with formula. Ay, bad thoughts go away!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


I don't know if I should be happy about this... but as of today, my waistline continues to shrink at about half an inch to an inch everyday. Big YAY! Considering it's just been three weeks only. I was surprised that my wedding ring fits my finger perfectly well too. I remember after having Akio, it took about three years for me to wear them again. I wonder what made me so chunky before hmm!


Health wise, I'm trying to break a low grade fever, battling the chills, aching every time I sneeze and cough because it's just too darn much for my stitches to handle waaah! I wish I don't have to take care of Miro so he doesn't get sick too... I just hope he will be spared and if he does get sick, it won't be so serious because he is not even a month old yet =(


It's a gift to have a housekeeper during the day because I don't have to sweat with chores and what to make for dinner... but I should remind myself that it's temporary!


Can't wait to get back on my feet again!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

On To Recovery

(me, lately... still need to lose that paunch!)

This is not a very glamorous picture while I was at the hospital recovering from the emergency C-section to deliver my premie baby Miro at thirty five weeks. If you must know, I look even fatter here than when I was pregnant! Hehehe! I was swelling all over! When I see this picture I can still feel the discomfort of swollen limbs and the rashes all over my body (apparently an allergic reaction to the whatnots that they have infused my body since I was on labor).

At the hospital, when I weighed myself it seems like I haven't lost anything despite popping an almost six pound baby. It's funny though... but now, I think all the swelling have disappeared even the big swollen tummy is gone! It's quite fast considering it's been only two weeks. I can't wait to weigh myself this Friday when I go for my post partum check.

Perhaps it is the exhaustion and the barely there appetite... and maybe it's the binder that keeps me sweating, or could be the duvet that I hide under that drenches me like I'm in a sauna. Whatever it is, I am liking what I see daily... although it's not the ideal flat stomach because who am I kidding? There's a paunch flapping over my stitch and it's not pretty! But I am just happy my belly shrank and I don't feel pregnant anymore!!!

In two months, I will be able to exercise and I can't wait! Maybe I am just too impatient to recover from all this.


About This Blog

Health and fitness for my sanity... I would like to lose my baby belly once and for all. I have about 15-20 lbs and six inches to lose.

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