Friday, April 24, 2009

Journey to Healthy Living

Two years ago, I learned that I have a very high blood pressure specifically the diastolic which refers to the time when the heart is at rest. Then after a routine health check, I found out that my triglycerides (the fat content of my blood) is higher than normal at 300+ (normal should be 150 below). Last year, after a major overhaul with my diet and exercise routine I thought I'd beat the triglycerides but lo and behold... it has gone up to 360+!!! So, I totally rid myself of eggs and beef but what do you know six months after it is now at its dangerously high mark at 500+!!!

I know I haven't been diligent with my exercise and healthy diet. I have not even finished my niacin therapy because I wanted to get pregnant. Now, I have two months to get my act together if I want to live until my next birthday!

So, this diary will note the activities and my diet. Hopefully, my triglycerides will be within normal range by end of June.


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