Tuesday, June 29, 2010


A ten day vacation translates to a ten pound gain as well! LOL! I really don't know for sure, because I don't know my base weight. My waistline is back to a disgusting xx, just like how it was after I popped out my babies. I looked post natal, but without the boobs to speak of. Yak! My appetite has gone to one hungry animal who has never been fed for aged!!! I blame it to PMS, I could =P

On my last day, my stomach was giving up on me. It was about to burst. I couldn't breathe, couldn't burp. I had to take antacids hoping it would go away, making sure I wasn't having a heart attack! After some time of relief, I get the same pain again once I eat something. My digestive system was definitely on strike, refusing to take the garbage I've been stuffing my face with.

When I measured my non existing waistline, I almost cried. Instead I laughed and thought, oh well. Tomorrow is another day. I have been promising myself to start eating healthy without the toxins, and hopefully get to one hundred fifty (triglycerides) level. Thankfully though, after getting my period today and skipping dinner (because I think my stomach can go on hunger strike) I lost two inches! YAY!

So there is HOPE! And hope I will... and since my little boy blue sleeps better now I will have the energy to hit the gym and sweat it out. Oh Lord, please help me shrink.


Shutterfairy June 30, 2010 at 5:43 PM  

The Lord said.. you do the work and I will do the rest.. =) You can do it T. You did it before, you can do it again.


About This Blog

Health and fitness for my sanity... I would like to lose my baby belly once and for all. I have about 15-20 lbs and six inches to lose.

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