Saturday, March 13, 2010

On To Recovery

(me, lately... still need to lose that paunch!)

This is not a very glamorous picture while I was at the hospital recovering from the emergency C-section to deliver my premie baby Miro at thirty five weeks. If you must know, I look even fatter here than when I was pregnant! Hehehe! I was swelling all over! When I see this picture I can still feel the discomfort of swollen limbs and the rashes all over my body (apparently an allergic reaction to the whatnots that they have infused my body since I was on labor).

At the hospital, when I weighed myself it seems like I haven't lost anything despite popping an almost six pound baby. It's funny though... but now, I think all the swelling have disappeared even the big swollen tummy is gone! It's quite fast considering it's been only two weeks. I can't wait to weigh myself this Friday when I go for my post partum check.

Perhaps it is the exhaustion and the barely there appetite... and maybe it's the binder that keeps me sweating, or could be the duvet that I hide under that drenches me like I'm in a sauna. Whatever it is, I am liking what I see daily... although it's not the ideal flat stomach because who am I kidding? There's a paunch flapping over my stitch and it's not pretty! But I am just happy my belly shrank and I don't feel pregnant anymore!!!

In two months, I will be able to exercise and I can't wait! Maybe I am just too impatient to recover from all this.



About This Blog

Health and fitness for my sanity... I would like to lose my baby belly once and for all. I have about 15-20 lbs and six inches to lose.

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