Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Of Feeling Great and Laziness

I wish I can exercise daily... that would be ideal, at least five times a week (break on weekends hehehe!). Lately, to even do it every other day is a struggle... I notice that it takes so much to drag myself just downstairs to hit the cross trainer/elliptical, but when I do it gives me this exhilirating feeling wishing I could do it more often in a day. It's an hour worth of my time...

So what keeps me from doing this daily? Let me see:

  • staying up late most of the times which leads me to feeling sluggish the whole day
  • too many chores to do, tons of desk work, and whatnots
  • a lot of online time other than work
  • naps
  • and utter laziness
I should resolve to do it daily. I should try to do it daily. I should not go back to sleep once the husband leaves the house for work. I might as well hit the gym and sweat the stress out... but isn't sleep good too? Hehehe!!!


Shutterfairy July 14, 2009 at 5:52 PM  

sleep is good T and so is exercise.

i feel that way sometimes.. but I push myself to keep my schedule. i think of the benefits and it helps keep my laziness away.

think tiyan!

i exercise 4x a week. every other day for 1 hour and a half. dapat in a day, we should allot a time just for exercising. i like mornings and afternoons 3pm. this is when init kaayo.. mura kog ga sauna.

text me if you feel the tapul.

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