Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Working it Out

Went back to the gym... Will try running. I'm joining my girl friends every Saturday morning for a lovely run and breakfast. This would bea nice way to unwind and have my personal time. As of now, my best is at 21:30 for one mile hehe!

Hopefully, will be good enough to stick with south beach diet. Need to eat healthy to maintain healthy levels - triglycerides, sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, hormones, etc. I stopped taking my medications for my triglycerides, currently on fish oil supplement. May these do wonders  for my body.

Can't wait to be fit and healthy, and of course fabulous LOL!


About This Blog

Health and fitness for my sanity... I would like to lose my baby belly once and for all. I have about 15-20 lbs and six inches to lose.

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